Friday, August 20, 2010

Signs and portents... or even posters

Originally posted 27/11/2009

Today I wanted to play with backscene ideas. My first thought was that I'd make a loose draft on some lining paper, but it turned out we haven't got any. Then I decided to make a collage of trees and building images, but the printer was out of ink. Oh, excuses, excuses, but I still felt the urge to do something so noodled around with some of the Kibri fittings.

It's not bad, if a little plasticky looking. I'm reasonably satisfied with it as a small part of the larger whole. I'm still on a mission to find some adverts to put in, but my initial searched for DB adverts have been fruitless. I'm more or less decided on making the layout circa 2000, so I'll widen my search a bit and look for non-railway adverts. It's not made easier by the language barrier, and a lack of relavent pop culture knowledge. Or by the fact I was such a frothing, train obsessed ned while I was over that I simply didn't think about taking any infrastructure pictures. The few pictures I can find where adverts are visible, they do all seem to be railway publicity.

Unfortunately the model shops round here are not the sort where I'm likely to chance across useful parts (although my last post will testify that it 
does happen), so I'm stuck with browsing web catalogues until my eyes turn square. If I'm lucky I might find a nice backscene in a local shop, but I won't hold my breath. I'd like to create something myself, working forwards from a wooded hill background up to a few buildings, arranged to fit in with the model, and trees also blending in. I'd best get me some ink tomorrow...

I'm trying to do something to the layout every day, but I feel like my resources are being stretched quite thinly.

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