Friday, August 20, 2010

Ein weiterer Stein in der Mauer

Originally posted 22/7/2010

Yes, a pop culture title so obvious I had to translate it to reduce the cringe induction. Sorry.

Just a small bit of work on a part of Bad Horn which had been bothering me. Along most of the length trees are my method of choice to blend backscene and model. However, the bay platform track is right up against the backscene so there simply wasn't room. I bought some Auhagen low relief card buildings to try and nail it, but when I came to putting them in place, they just looked wrong. So I hummed and hawed for a couple of months and got nowhere fast. I don't know why it took me so long to just try a wall in place, but this week I finally did- and I like it. I think I just tried to make matters too complicated when something simple is more effective.

I also made a static grass applicator today (tea strainer and flyswat variety), so its time to crack on with scenics. Having made a few using Hornby materials, I also caved in to impatience and ordered a bunch of ready made trees. The stretch without trees behind the bay served to separate my efforts from the bought ones, so I can clump all mine on the bank by the bridge and scenic break. This area will be the main grass patch.

I also made a couple of decisions (and corresponding orders) today, that I will use Hp light signals (on economy grounds, and with my original signalling plan, allowing passenger use of the bay), and Piko Silberlinge. I specifically want a Karlsruhe cabbed driving trailer, and I can't find any 1:87 Roco ones for sale. Plus Piko is half the price! All signals and the Steuerwagen were ordered today from Lokshop, I'll order a couple of trailers at a later date if I'm happy with it. I still haven't decided upon a control method for the signalling yet, but I'm tempted to go with DCC accessory decoders so that I can operate everything from a handset. The nice thing with a small layout is that I can experiment without massive cost.

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